Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Santissimo Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano and Santa Maria di Loreto.

HB and 6B pencil
I follow a lot of artists on Twitter.  In the past couple of days I've been inspired by some architecture/street pieces by @jeanettebarnes1 and @petermurray1812 .  I recommend you check them out.  With that in mind I took a wee trip to Rome in my lunch hour (courtesy of Street View of course) and drew this image of Santissimo Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano and the smaller Santa Maria di Loreto.  My effort in no way emulates the aforementioned artists but they have inspired me to try and be a bit more free and loose with my pencil strokes.  

Friday, 20 February 2015

When is Ian Somerhalder not Ian Somerhalder?

HB and 6B pencil
Another, in my occasional series of sketches of celebrities which look nothing like them.  I did this during lunch hour today.  I should probably have gone outdoors and stretched my legs but I couldn't be bothered.  It's still a bit chilly here and I wanted to stay indoors in the warm. 20 minutes staring at the gorgeous Ian Somerhalder is not a bad way to spend your time though.  I'm quite pleased with this sketch as it looks fairly human which is always a bonus.  I guess I should spend more time on this sort of sketch but I am pretty impatient to be honest.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

All quiet on the art front

Derwent Graphic 9B pencil
Hello folks. I haven't done any drawing in the past couple of weeks. Now that spring is approaching I am hoping to be able to do some sketching outdoors soon.  Meantime here is a little nude sketch I drew today to keep my hand in